The Yacht Rona

The Yacht Rona

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Day 32–Two can play this game…

For those of you who know me, I may surprise you by trying my fingers at a rather silly post; much to the objection of my own personal character traits.

Ok, so Michelle wants to lay claim to my yacht?! HA! As the title of this blog not only expects but DEMANDS, two can play this game!

If I might be allowed for a moment to refer to one of her posts dating back to the 27th of September we will be reminded of her claim to the achoos! Yes, as her title suggests, she was achooing (and still is for that matter) incessantly and her claim to the ragweed allergy is but unfair and untrue. Who is she to stake command of such an ailment when there are others just as deserving? 

And who might else might be deserving of this, you ask? Why, me of course! ME! There are others in this world who might want what you hold so close especially the other who is supposed to be significant. But NO, hold onto that precious achoo and let no one who might wish to try get any closer than the postings of these blogs!

And what do they say (whoever they might be)? Be careful what you wish for? Well perhaps my beloved heard my silent objections to her post (as most men’s wives tend to have the ability to do). I awoke one morning to an odd sensation ticking the innards of my nasal passages. A tightening effect within the same area made breathing a little more difficult. I rose from my bed and before I could lay feet to the floor, I let out a violent achoo of my very own. For the briefest of moments, I was elated as I had stolen the very element of that which my wife had bragged about not long ago.

And then my heart sank as I realized what had descended upon me. I was infected with the very same achoos!

I might also add my objection to her infecting me with the allergy condition as up until last year, I was immune and no other reasonable conclusion can be drawn! Perhaps kissing on the cheek in the future will have to suffice as I fear for what other conditions might be passed my way. The incessant-babbling, shoe-and-purse-talk, furry-leg-obsession, and so may others that I cannot even begin to dream of and yet I fear them all! I fear for my future, people.

If my achoos take me because of the infection that my wife has passed onto me, I hope these last words allow warning to those other men out there who have wives who try to STEAL THEIR BLOODY YACHT!

Ha, I’m sure I put my wife in her place. Let no repercussions come from this post!

- A dead man typing, Will

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