I am sure this has come up already from one of us but last year was a big test as to how I could handle boats and if I got seasickness. I had only ever been on boats at the cottage, in small contained waters. Not at all something to write home about. So last year was the true test for me and of course in true Will and Michelle style it was anything but ordinary!
The day we landed in Glasgow we took a train to Aberdeen and from the train station made our way to the Northlink Ferry terminal in town to check-in. Upon arrival the terminal was very empty and we were informed at the front desk that there was a gale force storm out in the ocean and if either of us were not comfortable going out in this or had seasickness we could rebook another day for no fee. Well being the very broke and curious (maybe a little stupid mixed in there too) we checked into the ferry and considered it an adventure! (As a side note we are glad we didn’t postpone until the next day because that sailing was cancelled due to the condition of the seas!!) I have attached the picture of the cleaning log for the ship that Will took when we sailed back to Aberdeen a couple weeks later. Note that on the 16th it says "No sailing", real proof that it didn't sail the day after us!
So we got onboard, explored the amazing ship and had some dinner. Considering the excitement and amount of travel in the last day or so I curled up on the floor of the foot passenger room in my sleeping bag and fell into a deep sleep while Will enjoyed a couple pints in the lounge. I had no idea what this storm would entail when we were out at sea but a rude awakening showed me VERY quickly! I was woken up when I literally (and I mean, literally) was lifted off the ground and slammed back down. No Will was not drunk and trying to be funny! It was a wave! A little scared I went to find Will and it took holding onto walls and railings to not fall over as I walked. After talking for a couple minutes Will had a eureka moment, he exclaimed pretty loudly out of nowhere “WAIT! You don’t feel sick at all do you?!?!” From that point on, as the ship was crashing through 10 to 15 meter waves and no reaction from me other than excitement, we knew I could handle being on a boat!
It was one of the most amazing, alive feelings to be in a storm like this and walk around the boat having to hold onto railings to keep upright!
Once we arrived in Lerwick I was so excited to get on Rona and go out for a sail now that I knew I could handle it.
So as much as I am obviously looking forward to going to England for a couple days when we land, I can’t wait to get back onto Rona and the Northlink Ferry one more time.
- Michelle
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