The Yacht Rona

The Yacht Rona

Friday, 26 August 2011

Day 26–Is your heart in it?

Its funny how every single decision I seem to make always brings to the surface our move to Scotland. Assuming we move in two years, every time I want to buy something, I ask myself if I really need it. I ask myself if I can get by in the next few years without it. Invariably my answer is always NO to the first, and YES to the second. I kinda wish that I had this mentality before. I would have saved so much money not buying useless garbage. I can’t remember who I was talking to when we went to visit Scotland last year but she told us that North Americans have a very unhealthy need to spend money on so many things they don’t really need. She said that when payday hits, they have to go out and buy stuff, any stuff. The response in my head was ya, ya, ya. Whatever lady. (I hope it wasn’t my wife who said that!) But wouldn’t you know it, she was right! Here Michelle and I are scrounging every day to save enough money to have a very relaxed trip in September. and the second I get paid I think to myself Sweet! What can I spend this on?! And it shocked me! Its sick! Gross! But the worst thing about it is that it is so easily fixable. We can live off so much less than what we were and save so much more. I would hate to think what we could have saved. Oh well, better late than never, as they say.

So, I suppose the underlining lesson here is that if you are passionate about something, if your hear is really in it, it may be very surprising what you are able to give up to make that passion become reality.

- Will

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