The Yacht Rona

The Yacht Rona

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Day 11–Celebration!!!

So after a couple of weeks of being jobless and sleeping until noon everyday I am now gainfully employed! Just a simple job that I have now but considering we are leaving the country in two years anyways all I care about is getting a paycheque somehow (no, do not let your mind wander…). I will be working in the bakery/deli of our local grocery store part time. They are completely aware of our upcoming trip and when I get back I will either ask for more hours or try find a second job.
So speaking of going away, this time five weeks from now we will be somewhere over the ocean in a 747!! Our flight leaves at 7:30pm from Pearson and gets to Glasgow at 7:05am Scotland time (2:05am Toronto time….ya……). Once we land we are going to take a train to Edinburgh, stop for lunch and then get back on a train and carry on to Biggleswade, just outside London. By the time we get to Will’s uncle’s house we will have left our house about 33 hours earlier. That is going to be an amazing and fun but VERY tiring time until we can sleep in a real bed again at his uncle’s. We are over the moon excited to go back though and Will has already started packing his bag! It will be so amazing to look at Scotland this trip as our new home and not just a vacation destination for us. I will pay more attention to things like grocery stores, home types, local community services and other amenities that a traveler would never probably even spend the time to notice.
Most of all though I think what makes me most excited though is seeing Will excited! In the four years we have been together there has been so much happen that we have both just stopped dreaming most of the time. When you struggle sometimes to get through a normal day and to buy basic necessities like groceries it is hard to dream of such things as moving overseas. Will has had setbacks in life that have I guess in a sense jaded him from dreaming big. We would go into the local furniture store (like I have mentioned before I LOVE shopping) and just browse and with a sad face Will would ask if we could leave the store. No sense dreaming of things that weren’t even reasonable to think at that point in time so no reason to taunt ourselves unnecessarily.
Today though my husband is like a kid in a candy store. Writing a business plan, researching things to do on our trip, packing his bag five weeks ahead of time and just getting excited! To me this is a huge reason to celebrate! I feel like we are finally in the stage of making our plans become real and to have a partner in crime in that process that is just as excited as me makes it so much better!

- Michelle

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