The Yacht Rona

The Yacht Rona

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Day 37–Nine days!!

Nine days from RIGHT NOW (7:30pm) we will be walking on a plane at Pearson International Airport. Nine days from now I will be probably crying out of excitement, while my Grandma warns me on the phone that red eyes look really bad going through security and that I need to breathe. Nine days from now I will be jumping up and down in excitement when I see our plane waiting at the gate. Nine days from now we will be going down the runway and take off into the gorgeous nighttime sky!

Ten days from now we will be in Scotland!

So many little odds and ends to patch up before we go away but the most important things are already taken care of. Just a couple things to pick up from the store in the next week. I remember back to when our countdown started at 186 days and can’t believe that we are now getting so close! I have a couple fears and many many exciting things to look forward to on this trip! We will spend a day in Cambridge, England, a day in London, England and then head back up to Shetland for two weeks. Many day trips will be had with Will’s dad and step mom, Becky. Hopefully we will get out for a sail or two on Rona! Maybe a nighttime anchor out somewhere gorgeous! (We were going to do this last year but the weather wasn’t right for it) We will also celebrate our one year wedding anniversary while up in Shetland! I can’t wait to revisit the cave that we got married in, may I add too that we are the only people ever to get married in that cave!

My one big nervous fear though is that we will be telling Will’s dad and Becky about moving. Neither of us have any clue how they will respond. We hope that Becky will be excited for us as she had an inkling last year that we were considering a move. Will is convinced his dad will be happy deep down and might at first show the strong, questioning, concerned dad side and make sure we are not making a rash decision. Either way I think I might feel really nauseous when this topic of conversation comes up!!

It all starts in NINE DAYS….

2746 - Welcome to Scotland

- Michelle

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